Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Saving Money with Prescriptions-

The other night on our drive home from some where we were listening to Clark Howard (http://www.clarkhoward.com/) on the radio. He was talking to a caller about saving money on prescriptions and my ears perked up. We are a family that does not have standard health insurance. We use Samaritan Ministries (http://samaritanministries.org/), which is great by the way and if you're interested I'll tell ya more about it! Since we do not have standard health insurance we pay out of pocket for all of our prescriptions, which seem to be ridiculously priced. Sometimes it can be $10 and other times it can be $90 and if you are in need of those prescriptions every month, that sure is a lot of money per month. I always worry when someone is going to get sick, and how much that is going to cost us out of pocket. Clark Howard mentioned on his radio program that you can go to places and get their cost per prescription list. Since I knew Wal-mart offers the $4.00 prescription program, I decided to call them today. The pharmacist was very helpful on the phone and said they offered a list in the pharmacy that can be picked up at anytime. Since I had just come from Wal-mart, I asked if the list was also offered online, and she helped me find it easily on the website. I think this is great advice on saving money for your family and I will be carrying this list with me the next time we go to the doctor to cut down on our prescription prices at the pharmacy counter. Since we are on one income and we also are trying to do better with our monthly budget, this will help us year to year save on our prescription medications.
 Here is the list for you!

-Happy Saving!
Kristy G.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Jar

There is but one lone quart jar sitting on my shelf downstairs in the basement. This one in particular is old and a blue mason jar, a hard to find piece. It is not good for canning, because the neck of the jar is a little short, making it hard for the jar to seal, so I cannot use it for canning. This is the first year I have used almost all of my jars. I might have one more thing to do and that is potatoes, if there are enough for me, but that means I'll actually have to buy some. It's so great to walk downstairs to see my full shelves for our family. It's a lot of hard work, lots of burns, as I even endured one today when I was canning applesauce. But the last of the jars means the end of the summer for us. I know it's October, but the canning season is officially over, so summer is officially done. Now we get to enjoy the bountiful harvest that God provided for our family all throughout the winter, spring and into the summer. And next year will be around the corner before we blink. I just wanted to count and see where all those jars went, so I tallied everything up and here's the final score for canning this year:
6 quarts of applesauce
16.5 quarts of green beans
12 quarts of dilly beans
12 quarts of tomato soup
10.5 quarts of peaches
14 quarts of carrots
11 quarts of tomato juice
39 quarts of grape juice
16 quarts of tomato sauce
12 quarts of apple pie filling
We also put away sauerkraut in our freezer, we have 10, but as a family (with Kyle's parents, grandparents and  brother, we put away 81 quarts)
I can't remember how many quarts of corn I have...

So the total without the corn: 137 quarts of homegrown love!!
I am so thankful that we are able to do this every year. I really enjoy it! The only thing I did not do this year was strawberry jam, but I added this year apple pie filling and peaches!
What a blessing that God has provided us!!
How did you do with your harvest this year?